Sunday, March 26, 2006

Having Second Thoughts

I went to a yoga workshop yesterday and one of the other teachers at my studio asked me why I got braces. I told her that it was something I've always wanted to do and that I want a beautiful smile. She then told me how much she loved my teeth and how cute she thought my smile was. Come to think of it, several people have told me that they think my teeth are cute. I was acting in a play a few years ago and I mentioned in my dressing room that I wanted to get braces. My dresser said that she thought my teeth were so cute and that she wished she had my smile. (I never understood that!) When I mentioned that I wanted to get my teeth straightened to a boy I was dating he told me that he loved my teeth. Of course, when you're enamored with someone, you tend to love everything about them--especially their quirks (at least in the beginning). So now I'm wondering that this whole time when I felt self-conscious about my teeth, did people really like my smile? Did they not even care or notice? Did I blow it up so big in my mind that I projected it on everyone I met? Maybe my smile is cute after all. What if I don't recognize or even like myself with straight teeth? What if I miss my "quirky, cute" teeth?


Blogger Marcos said...

I think that you will always have a few people who ask "WHY WOULD YOU GET BRACES?" The why is always up to you- and you should never second guess yourself on this- speaking as someone who had braces- I thank God everyday that I had them. I had loads of people ask- when are you getting them in my teens- and it was always an embarrasing thing. My parents couldn't afford them when I really wanted them, and it was a big sacrifice- but the effect was one of the best in my life. No one else looks at you in the mirror but you- it's time for you to smile with your mouth open! and be proud of it!!!

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. I loved your smile before, but I think you will love it more afterwards and I'm sure everyone will think you look great! =D

9:33 AM  

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