Saturday, April 08, 2006

Yoga With Apples

Today I went to yoga class--as a student--and we did a yoga set with apples (yes, using them like a prop!). I love this set and actually taught it for my Valentine's Day class. The best part about it is that one of the "exercises" is to actually eat your apple. But, alas, all I could do is hold mine in my hands, while listening to the sound of crunchy apples around me. Perhaps I will saute mine in a little butter and top it with some vanilla ice cream.


Blogger TinselTeeth said...

I do Kundalini yoga so sometimes we do fun stuff like that! We did an exercise where we were on our backs, legs lifted at 90 degrees and spread wide--holding onto our toes, if possible--and balancing the apple on our navel center while breathing long and deep. (Yikes!) And another where we're on our back and holding the apple up above our heart center for 7 1/2 minutes.

I suppose the point in using an apple, or any fruit really, is that its energy is very ethereal and sort of helps to heighten your awareness of yourself. And, seriously, after spending that much time with the apple, you really do enjoy eating it!!

I look forward to hearing about your yoga adventures, too!! Did you decide whether you were going to OM Yoga?

9:45 PM  

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