Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Blog Drought

Man is it dry around here!

  • The woman who served up my chai today had braces. Why does it seem that lately I feel like everyone with braces looks a whole lot better than me?

  • It's starting to get harder to say "s" at the moment, especially when it occurs in the middle or end of sentences. My bite is ever changing and, with it, my speech. I'm slightly worried, but there's still more time. I'm thinking of taking a voice class come Jan/Feb just to get things working again.

  • If everything goes as planned I will get my braces off in 4 months. Yikes! I've already starting planning in my mind the next steps--teeth whitening (the Crest Whitestrips will soon have a flat surface to adhere to!), and some possible tooth shaping since I have a few oddly shaped teeth.

Well, that's it for now, kids! Me and my braces are off to enjoy some chai!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

I had a dream last night...

...about my braces. In the dream I said, "This is totally going in my blog!"

And now, alas, I can't remember anything else. This is going to drive me crazy!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hot Child in the City

GirlRay found the Sex and the City episode of when Miranda gets braces and let me borrow it recently. Apparently she was a tongue thruster--Miranda, not GirlRay. I was waiting to watch it until I bought a DVD player, but I broke down this weekend and put the disc into my laptop. So funny. People have been mentioning this episode to me ever since I got braces. "You know, Miranda on Sex and the City had braces," they would say.

Miranda: This is what happens to tongue thrusters. I have to wear them for a year. Am I hideous?
Carrie: No. Hey... no. No, they don't look so bad.
Miranda: Really? You mean it?
Carrie: That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Samantha: Are you in pain? I'm in pain just looking at you.
Miranda: I'm a 34-year-old woman with braces and I'm on a liquid diet -- pain doesn't begin to cover it.

Of course, my favorite part is when she goes out on a first date with the cute boy from the cafeteria and gets brown goop stuck all in the front of her braces without knowing. Dear Lord, please let this never happen to me! Though, I must admit I am getting more comfortable eating with Cab. Just the other day I had a huge piece of escarole stuck in my braces and went fishing it out with my fingers.

Yesterday morning in the midst of doing my laundry I noticed that another one of my brackets fell off. I must have swallowed it in my sleep (oh, dear!). I just so happened to have my regularly scheduled appointment yesterday as well so the timing was perfect. When I walked in the office, it was overrun by kids under 13. It was a madhouse--they were everywhere, on the floor wrestling, doubled up in chairs, well, you get the picture. When I got in to the orthodontist's chair, one of the assistants said she always feels bad for me because it's me and a bunch of kids. "There are adults that come here, I promise," she said. I told Dr. Newman about the bracket and he said we were probably fine without it since my bottom teeth are pretty much straight. It's the top teeth that's got some work to do. It was the least painful visit I've ever had I think. He didn't even change the wires. He said he tightened them, though. I think things are coming along nicely and hopefully only 5 more months to go!