Monday, May 08, 2006

Untitled #1

I had been preparing a post called, "Braces, You're Bringing Me Down." The first day I got my braces I met up with a friend and said, "I feel like my life is on hold for the next year." I realized that didn't sound so good so then I said, "A few things are on hold for the next year." One of these things was the possibility of going out on a date. The thought of actually meeting a boy who was interested in me, with braces, seemed inconceivable.

But then this happened...

My amazing, lovely friend, "A" came to visit this weekend from Boston and we went out Saturday night to my local bar in the 'hood. We were sitting at the bar when this guy came up to me and said, "Are you into heavy metal?" "Cute, real cute!" I said. But, seriously, he was really cute...well, sort of a "mature sexy" to be accurate. He was a gardener who spent half the year traveling to Africa to buy art. Intriguing, smooth, and really into my braces.

But it gets better...

The sexy African art dealer had a friend...who also thought I was cute with my braces. He told me I looked like I needed a fake ID to get into the bar and was surprised to hear my real age (listen, I'm surprised, too!). He was 32. A designer and architect who showed me renderings of his latest greenhouse design. I told him I just took a drawing class and that I had a knack for drawing boots. So, we drew boots together at the bar, talked about Italy (where his parents live) and tango dancing. He told me that even with the braces I was beautiful.

It is quite possible that maybe my braces aren't such a bad thing after all.


Blogger MXF said...

Sounds like a lovely evening! You shouldn't think of your life being on hold...for anything. It's part of your life.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome!!!! =D
keep us posted!!!

1:22 PM  

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