Monday, August 28, 2006

Wax On, Wax Off

I'm just going to apologize up front if it seems like I'm complaining in this post. So, here goes...

This has definitely been one of the worst months in terms of pain and general discomfort for my braces. I'm tempted to go back to the orthodontist before my September 12th appointment. It is mostly due to Dr. Newman's lack of quality control when he put the wire in and now I'm suffering big time.

Basically just imagine a metal wire poking into your cheeks (yes, both sides) for a month. Dr. Newman should have filed this down, but he didn't really see the need. I've been putting wax on the very tip of the wire so that it hurts less, but now I'm down to the last of it and still have two weeks to go. Everytime I eat, the wax comes off, naturally. I've been pretty good about catching it before I swallow it, but there have been a few unfortunate incidents.

I think I'm just generally annoyed with some of the restrictions of having braces (and "clear" braces at that...). Listy-loo made sweet iced tea (my favorite!) for her little boy's b-day party and I could barely drink it for fear of staining my braces (I'm going to have to start carrying around a bottle of water and straws from now on!). I was at the party wondering to myself, "Do I have gunk all over my braces?"

Today I actually spent the whole day without the wax on--and even taught yoga with the wires poking into cheeks, just to see if I could feasibly manage it this way. Maybe one day with wax, one day without wax for the next two weeks.

Yes, this is what I spend a large portion of my day thinking about--should I wax or should I not wax?


Blogger Listy-loo said...

September 12th seems afully far away. I would go back. Was isn't something you are supposed to wear all the time. Not that it is bad for you but if your braces are hurting 24/7, demand that they fix 'em!

11:26 PM  
Blogger Girl Ray said...

Yeah! You're paying good money! I'd actually be very frank about Dr. Newman's work to whoever you can!

4:54 PM  

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