Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Getting used to this?

I haven't posted in quite some time. Nothing postworthy seems to be terms of my braces, at least. Right now it's a bit of the same.

Since my gung-ho post about sending my pics out to agents...I have not lifted a finger. I did, however, go see a band play downtown last week and ended up talking to an actor who, without me mentioning it, said he would ask his agent if they were looking for anyone with braces. Score! A true testament to networking....

I have been seeing the cute architect boy for the past few months and still feel a little self-conscious about eating with him. One way or another, going out on a date always seems to involve food at some point. I've told him before to let me know if I have something in my braces, but it doesn't seem to help my anxiety in this arena. I always feel like I'm digging for things with my tongue when I eat, which is also probably not very attractive.

Last week I had another orthodontist's appointment. I thought they were going to shave a bit off my teeth this time, but it was never mentioned. I wasn't looking forward to it anyway, so I decided not to mention it either. Instead, they changed the wires--to heavier wires and finally attached my two lower back teeth to the wires as well. They hadn't done this until now because they were afraid that with the lighter wires, I may snap them as I was eating. With a trip to the orthodontist, without fail I spend at least a week with new "sores" (I hate that word!) in my mouth. While they're still there, I've grown accustomed to them now and they don't hurt as much as the first few days.

Oh, yeah, and paying for braces is not enjoyable either--I don't think I've mentioned that one yet! It's an investment, I know, and one I'm happy to make. But why is it that health/dental insurance doesn't pay for adult braces?

So, I guess that's it for now...I'm still teeth are still moving.


Blogger Shannonymous said...

I don't think any health insurance pays for braces for cosmetic purposes, only if you can prove that your teeth being a certain way is endangering your health and therefore need straightening. =(

About the teeth shaving- I’ve never heard of that! I didn’t have that with my braces… I would kinda like to have that done though, so that my teeth had a nice, smooth, straight bottom edge… I’m sure that insurance wouldn’t cover that though (not that I have any)! ;)

10:30 AM  
Blogger TinselTeeth said...

The teeth shaving is actually between my teeth--to allow room for them to move and straighten out! Originally they were going to pull teeth, so a little tooth shaving here or there shouldn't be so bad!

5:17 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

oooooooooh gotcha. that's cool. yeah, I had to have FOUR teeth pulled! My dentist said I inherited my mom's small jaw and my dad's big teeth- UGH! ;)

9:21 AM  
Blogger Girl Ray said...

A friend of a friend is a flight attendant, and just got braces in Thailand! The whole thing is costing him $2,000. He says that's much cheaper than having it done in US, so he flies there once a month! BTW, I tipped him off to your site!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Shannonymous said...

aaaah yes, but is it cheaper if you don't get to fly for free? ;)

4:16 PM  
Blogger MXF said...

I'm surprised your insurance doesn't cover some portion of it, and I'm also surprised your orthodontist couldn't come up with some medically viable reason for you to get them other than "cosmetic."

I've heard that a lot of people got to other countries for all sorts of elective surgeries because it's much cheaper...although riskier too, I image. Who wants to get a boob job in Ecaudor?

11:14 PM  

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