Monday, August 14, 2006

My List: the cons

Inspired by Listy-loo, I thought I'd make a list of the things I like about having braces and the things I don't. Split up into a two part series, here are the things I don't like about having braces:

1. the sheer fact of having metal on my teeth

2. constantly digging food out of my braces with my tongue

3. the hefty pricetag

4. having a perpetually tense mouth

5. not knowing how to smile anymore

6. waiting at the orthodontist's office with a room full of kids under 14

7. having my lips stuck to my braces when I wake up in the morning

8. feeling guilty about not brushing/flossing my teeth enough

9. getting food stuck in my teeth/braces

10. not being able to eat everything I want to


Blogger Listy-loo said...

A lovely list. I can't wait to see what you like about having braces!

12:41 PM  

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